Friday 30 January 2015

Seoul - sleepless city!

There are many places that can claim to be cities which never sleep, but Seoul was probably the first place that really felt that way.

I visited Seoul for a few days to see some old university friends, and also to make some new friends. My buddy was starting his military service so I think he was definitely ready to show me the nightlife of Seoul during his last days of freedom... Lucky me!


So what do I think of Seoul... I love it, probably on the list of my favourite cities, but not without a few caveats. So I was staying in a pretty international part of the city, next to a U.S military base no less, and certainly it had a real international vibe, especially while in itaewon - the so called international town. Here the population was easily over 50% international residents with lots of American accents to be heard. But even here there is a real feeling of knowing I'm a foreigner and us-and-them. 

Overall It was a great time with many friendly people. Apparently when I try to say thank you it sounds very funny, because every shop keeper had a little giggle afterwards :D (maybe I'm just super cute)...

I digress...

So the first place I visited was a cat café, even with my unnatural love of the feline species, I've actually never been to a cat café, so I was pretty excited! And this place only slightly disappointed me... But not in the way you would expect. The cats were lovely, and they clearly really looked after the cats, but I guess I was hoping for a better actual cafe experience. Which to be fair is expecting a bit too much.




The cats... Were too cute, and being a cat owner for many many years I know the secret to attracting cats. While the other café guests were not having my luck, I ended up with two cats asleep on me... What's my secret... Well.. That's a secret ;)
Lots of toys and things for the cats to jump on
First of all this guy arrived, had a short petting and then fell asleep :D
Then this little guy joined for a warm nap!

I couldn't really move ^^
So this cat cafe (Y cat cafe) can be found here [Their website], just remember to take your shoes off before you go in. When I arrived I was greeted by very friendly staff, luckily they spoke English, but the system is pretty simple, just pay for a latte which costs around £5-6 (depending on current exchange rate ofc) and then sit with the cats!

They have some other rules about not picking the cats, no pulling tails... etc.... but its all pretty obvious. I think you can buy some treats for them but I wasn't able to riddle out how to ask for it - and to be honest I already had my two minions so I wasn't bothered :D.

He looks like he's part of my T-shirt hehe

Now enjoy some more pictures of the cats, tune in next time for talk about food and soju bombs.

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