Wednesday 20 May 2015

Coffee explorer Macau edition

I've been exploring Macau, and I'm slowly coming up with a list of great coffee shops here. So I've decided to share them with anyone that is interested!

This is a work in progress, but I'm using the google "My Maps", so if you are visiting Macau, you can add it as a layer to your google maps and see where they are as you navigate around :)

The important point is that all of these places, you can order easily (or at least pretty easily) using English!

Stars are recommended places, X is avoid this place.

Link to the Map 

Saturday 28 March 2015

A.I. Pushing Neural Networks

Pushing neural network technology with further inspiration from cognitive neural science. Is copying the human brain really the future of artificial intelligence?

Friday 20 February 2015

Writing in Mandarin an e-approach

Having recently upgraded my computer to windows 8, I also decided to figure out how to type in Chinese on my PC. I've been writing simple sentences for some time on my android device, but never really figured it out for my PC.

So let me explain some of the problems encountered and solutions I've found for these:

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Asia bound.

So, (next week) last week (I'm taking) I took a flight.

A flight that is quite possibly the beginning of the end of my current life. The beginning of a new one.

I will (should - fingers crossed (now confirmed!)) begin studying in Hong Kong for the next 4 years.

I don't know when I will go back home.

But I know that I will change, and my life will forever be enriched from this experience. 

Friday 30 January 2015

Seoul - sleepless city!

There are many places that can claim to be cities which never sleep, but Seoul was probably the first place that really felt that way.

I visited Seoul for a few days to see some old university friends, and also to make some new friends. My buddy was starting his military service so I think he was definitely ready to show me the nightlife of Seoul during his last days of freedom... Lucky me!
